Social Media Success Story

If you are sitting there stumped thinking about what to do with your business’ social media page, let me assure you, you are not alone. Launching and maintaining a successful business is hard to begin with. Toss in the desire of clientele to interact with you on social media, and it may feel like the odds are stacked against you. But fret not, at your fingertips are thousands of successful companies providing ideas for building brand image and examples of customer engagement.

Angry Orchard ( ), the hard cider branch of the Boston Beer Co. is an extremely successful illustration of how social media can create engagement and brand loyalty. With approximately 700k likes on their Facebook page and 18,000 people engaged in communications with Angry Orchard and other fans of the brand their following is growing steadily. (

What are they doing to generate this volume of connection with their followers? In social media the old axiom “a picture is worth a thousand words,” is incredibly relevant. Facebook uses an algorithm called EdgeRank which, similar to Google’s search rankings is an ever changing formula to provide their users the most relevant and personalized results possible. (

Scroll through Angry Orchards Facebook page and pictures of their product, complimentary accessories and recipes make up the vast majority of their posts. We all “eat with our eyes” to some degree and whether it’s the literal act of eating, or the consumption of your business’ products or services you wish to encourage pictures play a key role in your success. (

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